Sunday Brunch. Veganized.

This morning, I killed it at Sunday brunch. I mean, my ordering skills were top-notch. I outdid myself in the must-try-the-strangest-sounding-thing-on-the-menu department. (Just a little game I play with myself. No biggie).

I was feeling leafy-green today. And, as such, this Vegan Tempeh Scramble struck my fancy.


I barely restrained myself from licking the plate clean. Yep…it was that good. Definitely worth recreating the recipe, which is exactly what I’ve done here. The restaurant scramble was made with russet potatoes, but I substituted sweet potatoes (’cause I just like them better). I’m also not entirely sure what marinade was used for the tempeh, so I created my own.

From my kitchen to yours, hope you enjoy!

Sidenote: For anyone, who lives in the Sarasota area of Southwest Florida, check out Shore Diner. Seriously. You need to go.

Vegan Tempeh Scramble (yields 2 servings)

vegan tempeh scramble   

  • Ingredients:
  1. 1 clove Garlic
  2. 1/4 cup Coconut Milk
  3. 2 tbsp. Rice Wine Vinegar
  4. 4 tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  5. 4 oz. package Tempeh (vegan)
  6. 6 oz. package Spinach (chopped)
  7. 1 1/2 cup Mushrooms (diced)
  8. 5 Asparagus Stalks (chopped)
  9. 2 Sweet Potatoes (peeled & cubed)
  10. 1 cup Shredded Daiya Cheddar (vegan)
  11. 2 tbsp. Rice Bran (gluten-free)
  • Preparation:
  1. In a small mixing bowl, whisk together the coconut milk and rice wine vinegar until thoroughly combined.
  2. Slice the tempeh block into thin strips, then lightly brush each strip with the coconut milk and rice wine vinegar.
  3. Set aside and allow the tempeh strips to marinate in this mixture for approximately 10-15 minutes.
  4. Preheat the garlic and 2 tbsp. olive oil in a skillet on a medium stove-top setting for approximately 2 minutes.
  5. Add the spinach, sweet potatoes, mushrooms and asparagus, then saute the vegetables until softened.
  6. Reduce the setting to low-heat, stirring the veggies occasionally for approximately 10 minutes.
  7. In another skillet, preheat the remaining 2 tbsp. olive oil on a medium setting and add the tempeh strips.
  8. Saute the tempeh, alternately flipping each strip, until the texture is crispy and the outside golden-brown.
  9. Transfer the tempeh to the veggie skillet, then add the Daiya cheddar and stir until the cheese has melted.
  10. Remove the skillet from the stove-top burner, then sprinkle the rice bran on top immediately before serving.
  • Serving Suggestion:

Although I ate it for breakfast, this dish would be hearty, substantial and satisfying for either lunch or dinner, as well. Serve up a generous portion, alongside some whole grain toast points (I recommend Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Whole Grain Bread) for a healthy, well-balanced and unbelievably tasty meal!