Fall for Pumpkin Protein Balls this Season (See What I Did There?)

I look forward to October every year for one simple reason: it’s Pumpkin Everything Season! And despite living in Southwest Florida where the temperature rarely drops below 60 degrees, once autumn shows up on the calendar, I morph into that girl.


Yep, I’m basic apparently. So sue me. Fall is a glorious time. And pumpkins are a direct result of that gloriousness.

These seasonal superfoods are rich in Vitamin A to promote vision health, Fiber to increase digestive regularity, Antioxidants to support immune function, Potassium to stimulate post-workout energy and Carotenoids to reduce skin aging effects.

Plus, they get all the Instagram likes, so…

But I digress. If you wanna experience those nutritional benefits for yourself, not just during autumn but year-round too (Why isn’t the PSL Summer Edition a thing? Looking at you, Starbucks!), might I suggest these no-bake Pumpkin Quinoa Protein Balls.

They’re perfect for a healthy plant-based breakfast or afternoon snack. And, all basicness aside, they taste like fall is supposed to taste. *insert brown leaf emoji*

I rest my case.


yields 2 dozen protein balls


1 can Pumpkin Purée (organic)

1 tbsp. Sunflower Butter (organic)

1/3 c. Rolled Oats (whole grain)

1/4 c. Quinoa (organic)

1 Apple (peeled & diced)

1/2 tsp. Pumpkin Spice

1/2 tsp. Cinnamon

1/4 tsp. Ginger



  1. Cook the quinoa according to its package instructions, then set aside.
  2. Combine the pumpkin purée, rolled oatssunflower buttercinnamon, ginger and pumpkin spice in a mixing bowl.
  3. Slice the apple into small chunks, then stir into the pumpkin mixture.
  4. Add the cooked quinoa to the pumpkin mixture, then stir these ingredients until thoroughly combined.
  5. Divide the batter into bite-sized balls and place in the freezer for 1 hour before serving.




So. Much. Yes.

Yes Please to Cheese-less Mac & Cheese!

For the past couple months, I’ve been switching over to a dairy-free lifestyle. Which actually hasn’t been that hard of a transition. Well…except for one detail.

Guys, I love cheese.

And it’s not until I stopped eating cheese that I began realizing just how many recipes include the stuff. Craving some comfort food? Good luck sans the cheddar. In a Mexican mood? Not without that pepper jack. How about a Greek salad? Umm…don’t forget the feta.

Sure. I could simply omit cheese from these dishes, but where’s the pleasure in that? There’s gotta be another solution. At which point you’re probably thinking: Yeah, genius. It’s called vegan cheese. Touché. But I’m new at this dairy-free business!

Besides, I’m not about scouring Whole Foods for nutritional yeast. Or soaking cashews in water for three hours. Or you know…whatever.

The point is I’m lazy and need that cheese fix like yesterday.

Which is the inspiration behind my own formula: Minimum Patience + Maximum Desire = Liquid Gold Sauce in Under 5 Minutes.


In keeping with a minimalist theme, I opted for the pre-sliced variety. So, after comparing ingredients in multiple brands, Chao made the final cut. It’s tofu and coconut-based without any preservatives or GMOs. To sum up, I’m fangirling.

Yep. Over tofu and coconuts. I mean…we’ve all been there.

Something else I’m fangirling over: mac & cheese. And quinoa. Because I’m a wellness blogger. And. We. Eat. Quinoa. So, that combination is how Cheese-less Broccoli Quinoa Mac & Cheese became a thing.

And my taste buds lived happily ever after!



1/2 Broccoli Head (chopped into florets)

1 cup Dairy-Free Milk (Unsweetened)

2 Vegan Cheese Slices (of Preference)

1/2 cup Quinoa (Organic)

1 tbsp. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

2 tbsp. Spelt Flour*

1/2 tsp. Garlic Powder

1/2 tsp. Sea Salt

*spelt contains gluten, so if you need a GF alternative, check out these options.



  1. Cook the quinoa on your stovetop, following the package instructions.
  2. Pre-heat a saucepan on another stovetop burner, bring to medium, then add the milkflourolive oilgarlic and sea salt.
  3. Stir until the consistency thickens, then add your preferred vegan cheese and stir again until melted.
  4. Pre-heat a smaller saucepan on yet another stovetop burner, pour in about 1 inch of water, bring to boil, then add the broccoli.
  5. Reduce the heat to medium, then cover your saucepan and steam the broccoli for 5 minutes.
  6. Combine the broccoli and quinoa, then pour the vegan cheese sauce on top, and stir to distribute the flavors evenly.


Yeaaaaah. I know what you’re making for dinner tonight. Don’t even pretend otherwise. But like…it’s healthy mac & cheese. Why wouldn’t you make it for dinner tonight?


Exactly. *drops wooden spoon*

The Kick-Off to Your Labor Day Cookout Is Here…

Remember snow cones? That brain-freezing sugar rush the kid version of you craved? Uh huh. Nostalgia at its yummiest. Buuuut not exactly known for its track-record in the health department.

Until now. Because when you replace that refined sugar and artificial syrup with naturally sweetened fruit, you get tons of flavor—but zero guilt. Which brings me to this newest concoction a la yours truly…

watermelon snow cones

Blend up a batch (or you know, ten) for those Labor Day shenanigans as either a pre-gamer or dessert. You could even add some vodka to go the more adultish route—of course, the health factor might be called into question at this point.

But I digress. If you’re gonna make ’em this weekend (which you definitely should), lemme show you how it’s done.

So, Here’s What You Need:

  1/2 cup Watermelon (diced)

   •   2 cups Ice (crushed or cubed)

watermelon snow cone before

watermelon snow cone after

Now, Time to Make It:

1.   Place the ice cubes in a blender, then add the watermelon on top.

2.   Pulse the blender until both ingredients form a slushy texture.

3.   Transfer into festive glasses and slurp to your taste buds’ content.

P.S. going back for seconds = totally acceptable.

watermelon snow cone after pic 2

sister approved

and she’s a tough critic, so winning!

Yup. These bad boys deserve an invite to your Labor Day cookout. Because summertime has spoken, and every season needs one last “hurrah.” So move aside, Pumpkin Spice Latte…

your time is coming!


Breadless Toast: Madness, Genius or Just Plain Deliciousness?

Today’s kitchen creation is being served with a confession on the side.

I’m not a bread person.

Did you even know that’s a thing? To not like bread? My secret shame. Nope, can’t even order avocado toast for Sunday Brunch despite my all-consuming avoddiction (P.S. that word DOES exist. Look it up).

But *insert sigh of relief* order is now restored to the galaxy because I’ve discovered a breadless alternative—sweet potato toast. A.K.A. the latest foodie trend currently taking over my life. Forreal.

And if plant-based + gluten-free + downright delectable sounds like the ultimate jam, then prepare for a takeover on your life too.

I rest my case. Times three, in fact. Because you’re about to experience…

sweet potato toast three ways

Just grab a sweet potato, then go culinary crazy with all the fixings. And here’s some inspo to get those creative juices (not to mention, appetite!) flowing.


sweet potato toast savory ingredients2 tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1 small can Chickpeas

1/2 tsp. Ground Paprika

1/4 tsp. Ground Cumin

1 Juiced Lemon

                             sweet potato toast sweet ingredients

2 tbsp. Chopped Raw Almonds

1 tbsp. Organic Almond Butter

1/2 tsp. Ground Cinnamon

1/2 Sliced Apple

sweet potato toast spicy ingredients

1/2 tsp. Sriracha Sauce

4-5 Spinach Leaves

1/2 Hass Avocado

1/4 tsp. Sea Salt



  1. Cut the Potato into 3 slices about, 1/4-inch thick, leaving the skin on.
  2. Put each slice in a toaster and cook for 5 minutes, or until the texture becomes pliable but still firm.
  3. Drain and rinse the Chickpeas, then transfer 1/2 into a food processor.
  4. Add the Lemon and 1 tbsp. Olive Oil, then puree this mixture until a hummus consistency forms.
  5. Place the remaining Chickpeas on a foil-lined baking sheet and pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees.
  6. Drizzle them with 1 tbsp. Olive Oil, Cumin and Paprika, then cook in the oven for 10 minutes, or until the Chickpeas become crispy.
  7. Spread the hummus over the first Potato slice and top with the roasted Chickpeas to make savory toast.
  8. Chop the Almonds coarsely and slice the Apple, then spread Almond Butter over the second Potato slice.
  9. Top with the Apples, Almonds and Cinnamon to make sweet toast.
  10. Mash the Avocado until a guacamole consistency forms and spread over the third Potato slice.
  11. Top with the Spinach and Sea Salt, then drizzle on Sriracha to make spicy toast.

Seriously…moment of silent introspection for these wondrous little tubers.

Alright, moment over. Girl’s gotta eat!

Get Your Summer On with a Superfood Smoothie Bowl {Guest Post}

Summer is synonymous with vibrant colors, fresh bounties and bold flavor combos. So, keep your body fueled, taste buds tantalized and wellness revitalized—compliments of this deliciously nutritious Smoothie Bowl recipe featured below.

Fortified with immune-boosting antioxidants from Nutri Maqui Superfruit Juice—plus, essential nutrients from leafy greens, seasonal fruits and plant-based proteins—this satisfying snack will keep you healthy, energized and going strong all summer long. And it contains no artificial additives, so indulge to your heart’s (err…stomach’s) content!


For the Smoothie Base:

1 cup Unsweetened Cashew Milk

1 tbsp. Nutri Maqui Superfruit Juice

1/2 cup Organic Baby Kale

1/4 cup Fresh Blueberries

For the Smoothie Toppers: 

1 tbsp. Organic Almond Butter

1/4 cup Raw Organic Cashews

1/4 cup Organic Raw Almonds

1/4 cup Fresh Blueberries

1/2 tbsp. Coconut Flakes

1/2 Sliced Avocado

Ingredients for Nutri Maqui Smoothie Bowl


  1. Combine the Cashew Milk, Nutri Maqui Superfruit Juice, Baby Kale and Blueberries in a blender, then puree until the texture is smooth and creamy.
  2. Transfer this smoothie mixture into a bowl, then arrange the Cashews, Almonds, more Blueberries and Avocado slices in an “Instagram-worthy” pattern on top.
  3. Finish off with a drizzle of Almond Butter and sprinkle of Coconut Flakes, then enjoy—as if you even need an invitation!

Smoothie Bowl with Nutri Maqui

All content and graphics in this post are courtesy of Nutri Lifescience, LLC.

Make Your Mornings Count With a Dash of Matcha Madness

So, guess I’ve been feeling the Eastern vibes lately. Between last week’s Korean Boribap recipe and this week’s love letter to all things matcha, I should probably just book a flight to Asia. Donate to my travel fund, and I’ll get right on that!

No takers? Shocking. Fine then…living vicariously through my taste buds isn’t the worst consolation prize. Lucky for this girl, my fiancé’s sister did go to Asia recently, and she brought me back some authentic ceremonial-grade Japanese matcha.

Talk about earning brownie points with the future sis-in-law. Give me pretentious sounding superfoods, and I’m your friend for life. Well played, Kristin…well played.

If you’re a matcha virgin, it’s literally just powdered green tea. Observe:

matcha powder

But what makes it so freaking fabulous? Check out these impressive stats:

  • Yields more antioxidants than any other superfood including goji berries, acai, kale and spinach.
  • Contains a powerful blend of essential nutrients like fiber, chlorophyll, zinc, magnesium, and Vitamin C.
  • Strengthens immune function, promotes anti-inflmmatory benefits and works like a natural detoxifier.
  • Boosts the metabolism to burn calories more efficiently, and regulates healthy cholesterol levels.
  • Reduces physical and mental stress, enhances concentration and balances fluctuating mood states.

Way to kick some nutritional ass, Matcha! And that’s why I jumpstart each morning with this little green powerhouse I’ve become *slightly* dependent on. Sure, you can drink it like the socially acceptable human you are. OR you can get creative, steal a chapter from my cookbook…

And breakfast will never be the same.

matcha for breakfast



1 cup Cashew Milk (unsweetened)

1/2 cup Whole-Grain Oats

2 tsp. Matcha Powder

2 packets Stevia (organic)

1 tsp. Almond Butter (all-natural)

2–3 pinches Sesame Seeds

1/4 tsp. Ground Ginger


  1. Pour the Cashew Milk into a small saucepan and preheat the stovetop burner on a medium-high setting.
  2. Add the Oats and stir occasionally until the mixture begins to boil, then reduce to a simmer and continue stirring until the texture thickens.
  3. Remove the saucepan from the stove, add the Matcha, Ginger and Stevia, then stir to combine.
  4. Transfer the oatmeal into a serving bowl, then top with Almond Butter and Sesame Seeds for extra crunch. (NOTE: feel free to use whatever toppings you prefer…I just choose sesame seeds in keeping with our Asian theme!)

matcha oatmeal before pic

matcha oatmeal after pic



1 cup Cashew Milk (unsweetened)

3/4 cup Spelt Flour (or, a GF alternative)

1/3 cup Fresh Blueberries

1/2 tbsp. Matcha Powder

2 packets Stevia (organic)

2 tsp. Almond Butter (all-natural)


  1. Pour the Cashew Milk and Spelt Flour into a mixing bowl, then stir vigorously until no lumps remain.
  2. Add the Blueberries, Matcha and Stevia into this batter, then stir again to combine.
  3. Preheat the stovetop burner on a medium-high setting, place a griddle on this burner and coat with non-stick cooking spray.
  4. Ladle the batter in small batches onto the griddle, allow to cook about 2 minutes on each side, then transfer the pancakes to a serving plate once they’re done.
  5. Spread the Almond Butter over the pancake stack and garnish with leftover blueberries, if desired.

matcha pancakes before pic

matcha pancakes after pic

Reader Poll (just because I’m curious): Do you cook with matcha, or are you a purist who thinks tea is for drinking, thankyouverymuch?

A Tastier-than-Takeout Asian Flavor Invasion

My parents live in Orlando, about 15 minutes away from Disney World (tough break, huh?), and I recently visited them over Memorial Day weekend. No, for real…seeing my parents was the main motivator. Not my fault the Happiest Place on Earth shares their same zipcode!

Anyway, during that visit, we made reservations at Morimoto Asia—a new Eastern fusion restaurant in Downtown Disney (I’m a nonconformist Disnerd who refuses to call it “Disney Springs,” by the way). I ordered their signature menu item Korean Boribap, a traditional half-rice/half-barley dish mixed with kimchi, bean sprouts, sushi grade fish and egg yolk.

And now…I want boribap for like every single meal. Damn you, Morimoto. Chinese takeout has lost its appeal for all eternity. So, what’s a girl to do when these random boribap cravings hit? Create my own riff on the original. Duh.

In this version, I swapped out the kimchi for kale, made it vegetarian by opting for mushrooms instead of meat, then tossed in radishes for some color and texture. Also, for the sake of convenience (read: laziness), I just used rice. Let’s call the finished product Boribap 2.0—a healthy weeknight “quick fix” when you’re feeling Asian but can’t bear the sight of another to-go carton loaded with MSG. Yep, this recipe’s a game changer!

meatless marvels korean boribap


2 cups Baby Kale

2 Eggs (cage-free)

1 cup Jasmine Rice

1/2 cup Mushrooms (sliced)

1/2 cup Radishes (sliced)

2 tbsp. Sesame Oil

2 tbsp. Rice Wine Vinegar

1 tbsp. Soy Sauce (low sodium)

1 clove Garlic (minced)


  1. Pre-heat a stockpot on the highest stovetop setting, pour in 1 1 /2 cups Water and bring to a rolling boil.
  2. Add the Jasmine Rice, reduce the heat to low, cover the stockpot with a tight-fitting lid and allow the rice to simmer, stirring occasionally, until all the water is absorbed.
  3. Pre-heat a skillet on the medium stovetop setting, coat the bottom with 1 tbsp. Sesame Oil and stir in the Kale, Mushrooms and Radishes, then sauté the vegetables until they soften.
  4. Pre-heat another skillet on the medium stovetop setting, coat the bottom with cooking spray, crack the Eggs directly into the skillet and allow them to pan-fry until the yolk sets.
  5. Whisk together the Soy Sauce, Rice Wine Vinegar, Garlic and remaining tbsp. of Sesame Oil in a small mixing bowl.
  6. Pour this mixture on the rice, stir thoroughly to combine and portion out the rice into 2 serving bowls.
  7. Distribute the vegetables evenly over the rice, then top each bowl with a fried egg for some hearty protein.
Korean Boribap

that yolk though…mildly foodgasmic.

10 Turmeric Hacks to “Spice” Up Your Daily Wellness Ritual

Turmeric. It’s basically the kale of 2016. This close relative of the ginger root has been initiated into the “superfood” clique—sorry, avocado…we had a vote—and everyone, from  Ayurvedic healers to that cashier at Whole Foods, now swears by its anti-inflammatory benefits.

But turns out, turmeric is worth the hype. Containing high levels of antioxidants—more specifically, curcumin—this exotic orange-yellow-ish powder has been found to protect against cancer, stroke, arthritisliver disease and even Alzheimer’s.

So, yeah. “Superfood” indeed.

If you’re like me though, you’ve got this internal dialogue playing on-loop right about now: Ummm…medicinal properties are cool, but how am I supposed to actually use this stuff? Well, aside from being a wellness wonder, turmeric also earns versatility points. Consider it your spice rack’s answer to coconut oil.

Whether ingested or applied topically, the following hacks will transform turmeric into a health and beauty must-have:

turmeric hacks

Whiten Your Teeth

Douse a toothbrush in water then dip the bristles in 1/8 teaspoon turmeric. Scrub your teeth with the turmeric and leave on for 5 minutes. Rinse your mouth then brush again with regular toothpaste.

Minimize Dandruff

Whisk 1/2 teaspoon turmeric with 1 tablespoon coconut oil until both ingredients are combined. Massage this mixture into your scalp and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse your hair then shampoo normally.

Heal Inflamed Skin

Mix 1/4 teaspoon turmeric, 1/2 tablespoon honey and 1 tablespoon water until these ingredients form a paste. Spread this mask across your face—paying close attention to acne-prone areas—then leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse your skin with cold water.

Sooth Joint Swelling

Combine 2 tablespoons turmeric, 1 tablespoon lime juice and 1/4 teaspoon water until these ingredients form a poultice. Apply this mixture directly onto the injured body part then wrap in a cloth bandage. Leave on for 20 minutes, at minimum.

Blend Into Smoothies

Include a few dashes of turmeric in your favorite beverage concoctions, along with other superfood enhancements like chia seeds, hemp hearts, cacao nibs or spirulina.

Make “Longevi-Tea” 

Add 1 teaspoon turmeric to 1 cup boiling water then simmer for 10 minutes. Strain any leftover turmeric grounds from the water then stir in ginger or honey, to taste.

Make “Golden Milk”

Mix together 1 teaspoon turmeric and 1/4 cup water on low heat until both ingredients form a paste. Add 1 cup unsweetened almond milk and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. Stir in 1 teaspoon coconut oil or ghee, and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon.

Toss With Salads

Whisk 1/4 teaspoon turmeric with 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1/2 tablespoon whole grain Dijon mustard and 2 teaspoons lemon juice. Pour this mixture over fresh veggies and use salad tongs to distribute the liquid evenly.

Spice Up Bone Broth

Infuse 1 teaspoon turmeric into a healthy homemade stock—like this recipe from Wellness Mama—for extra flavor, zest and color.

Kickstart Your Morning

Sprinkle a few dashes of turmeric over scrambled eggs, oatmeal, avocado toast, plain Greek yogurt or sliced apples with almond butter.

Sweat It Out With a Protein-Packed Snack Attack

There’s a 50/50 chance I might’ve *casually* mentioned once—maaaaybe twice—that I’m getting married in the near future. 160 days if you wanna get technical, but who’s counting?

Although I don’t buy into that stereotypical “wedding workout” mentality (fitness is a lifestyle, not some Must. Drop. Two. Dress. Sizes. For. The. Big. Day. thing), exercise does have a prominent place in my routine. That would still be true regardless of this whole bride-to-be caveat…but extra motivation a la Alfred Angelo never hurts either!

post pure barre

That time I dragged the (almost) hubs to Pure Barre…Couples who sweat together stay together, dontcha know!

Don’t get me wrong though, it’s not just about turning heads on your walk down the aisle or rocking that honeymoon bikini you’ve ogled for months. Exercise relieves stress (pre-wedding jitters, anyone?), boosts productivity (those guest lists aren’t gonna write themselves!), and influences even more healthy habits too.

Like eating. A.K.A. the other part of this wellness equation. In order to sustain physical activity, our bodies need fuel. Mainly protein-dense fuel which promotes muscular development, strength and endurance, so we can keep moving for longer periods of time. Fact: no snacking repertoire—for pre-workout energy or post-workout recovery—is complete without this nutritional powerhouse.

Think raw almonds, steamed edamame, roasted chickpeas, hard-boiled eggs, sunflower seeds, plain Greek yogurt and nut butters, for example. Or, need some further “nom”spiration? (Just invented a new word. No biggie.) Check out my Sweat Sesh Snack Attack go-tos for your protein loading pleasure!

protein post-workout snacks

Whether you’re #SweatingForTheWedding or craving a healthier alternative to Cool Ranch Doritos, these mindful munchies just reinvented snacktime. Yup…don’t underestimate the power of protein. This bride-to-be has spoken.

*For even more ideas, recipes and tidbits to pack your diet with protein,  Nuts.com  has you covered!

Coffee + Coconut Oil = What’s Been Missing from Your Morning

name tag

And I’m a coffee addict.

But, like an unapologetic coffee addict. As in…I. Will. Not. Stop.

No lemon water-peddling holistic health coach is gonna shame me into quitting this black gold elixir of life. It’s my only incentive for not hitting “snooze” each morning. Thanks, coffee. Just for being you.

Eternal devotion aside though, I am cutting down on sugar and dairy, which kinda rules out my weakness for International Delight. Not gonna lie…this was a painful switcheroo. Tears were quite possibly shed. Until a certain superfood hitched a ride in my grocery cart and was all, “I’m about to rock your world, Coffee Addict!”

Yup. Enter: coconut oil.

I’ve heard people in the wellness community rave about that so-called “miracle worker with 100-plus uses,” but its price tag always discouraged me from believing the hype. Then, I started noticing Instagram posts touting the benefits of this stuff in coffee. Well, I’ll try anything with the magic word involved.

So…$8.50 later, yours truly became a coconut oil convert.

And didn’t waste a second testing out that coffee claim. Most tutorials I found unanimously agree—the secret is blending. Don’t just dump a glob in your mug, stir it around, then congratulate yourself on mission accomplished. Or, so the Blogosphere said. And I took note.

Out came the Nutri Bullet. In went the coffee-coconut oil combo. And my taste buds did their happy dance. You were right, Blogosphere…that blended latte-esque texture is pure bliss. Now this right here is the black gold elixir of life. Never. Going. Back.

coconut oil coffee blended

But if you still need more convincing that coconut oil = the savior of coffee addicts everywhere, check out its nutritional breakdown:

  • plant-based Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) fatty acids for natural weight loss
  • ketones for improved brain function, boosted metabolism & reduced appetite 
  • lauric acid for protection against viruses & bacteria
  • no sugar, trans fat, sodium, cholesterol or carbohydrates
  • USDA certified organic & non-GMO verified ingredients

‘Nuff said. So, without further ado…taste test, anyone?

Café au Lait 

(move over, milk!)


coconut oil coffee ingredient list


1 tbsp. Almond Milk (organic & unsweetened)

1/2 tbsp. Coconut Oil (organic)

2–3 scoops Coffee (or 1 K-Cup)

1 tsp. Pure Vanilla Extract (organic)

1/4 tsp. Cinnamon (ground)

1–2 packets Stevia (organic)*

*This ingredient is totally optionalI just prefer my coffee on the non-bitter side, and Stevia gets the job done!

coconut oil and coffee


  1. Brew your desired amount of coffee, then pour into a blender.
  2. Add the coconut oil, almond milk, vanilla extract, cinnamon and stevia (as needed).
  3. Blend these ingredients on “high” for 5–10 seconds, or until combined.
  4. Transfer to your favorite mug (like mine from Dean & Deluca—clearly, I’m a sucker for New York nostalgia).
  5. Savor all that creamy, frothy, can’t-stop-won’t-stop amazingness.
coconut oil coffee

pretentious Parisian placemat…optional.