5 Tips for Drinking More Water On the Reg {Guest Post}

During those teenage years, my mom (a certified yoga instructor) nagged me constantly to hydrate more often. But in my oh-so-mature, kinda rebellious state, I’d hear the advice, but not really listen.

Despite her knowledge of pranic healing and ayurvedic technique, she was still my mother—and hanging on her every word didn’t rank high on the priority list. Besides, I didn’t even like drinking water. It was plain and boring, with no real taste or texture. I much preferred a more flavorful thirst-quencher.

Only after studying nutrition and biology in college, have I realized that my mom was right all along—water is life. Therefore, consuming the required amount of 2-3 liters per day (as confirmed by most experts) does wonders. In fact, now I make a conscious effort to drink more water, using the pointers my mother tried teaching her stubborn teenage daughter.

Since then, I’ve definitely noticed a change in my well-being—from a healthier weight to a clearer complexion. So, now I’m passing along those tips which helped me include more water in my routine…without feeling like a chore!


  • Down those Shots.

Ever played that drinking game with your friends during a movie where you all take a shot whenever a character says one particular phrase on-screen? Well, not only is that game effective for imbibing copious amounts of alcohol, it’s also a simple strategy for upping your H2O intake.

Next time you’re watching TV, reading a book, scrolling through social media or even attending a work seminar, play this game with yourself. Sip a couple ounces of water each time you come across a certain word, either in print or spoken aloud. This can help to supplement your hydration in manageable chunks throughout the day.

  • Go Au Naturel. 

As a devoted yogi, my mother was against zero-calorie vitamin water. And now I understand why—this flavored alternative claims to be healthy, but contains an absurd amount of chemicals or artificial sweeteners. In fact, a recent study found that most flavored waters exceed your recommended sugar allowance, as stated by the World Health Organization.

If you can’t handle the taste of plain water and use flavored water as your go-to substitute, this habit is derailing your own health. But fear not—there’s another solution.

Consider infusing that H2O with mint leaves, lemon slices or fresh berries. Adding these ingredients enhances the enjoyment factor with natural sweetness (or tartness), while providing nutritional benefits too.

  • Find an App for That.

Mobile apps exist for literally everything imaginable, and there’s no shortage of options to keep you on-track for meeting that daily hydration quota. If you’re tech-savvy, download these apps for extra accountability.

Most feature goal setting functions to input your desired intake, periodic alarms reminding you it’s time for a swig, and tracking technology to record your consumption for the entire week. They even come equipped with a database of statistics and “pro-tips” for boosting overall health.

  • Practice Interval Drinking.

Make a habit of drinking one large glass of water before each meal and after each bathroom break. Assuming you eat three meals per day, that’s three glasses down.

Couple that with another glass after every bathroom break, and you’ll consume at least eight servings total (most people urinate about 6-8 times in a 24 hour period). Also, drinking water before eating will curb your appetite, promoting healthy weight management.

  • Finally, Treat Yo’self. 

You know that feeling of a brand new coffee mug, when just you gotta use it ASAP? Well, the same goes for H2O. Splurge on a fancy-schmancy water bottle to keep on your desk or bedside. Whenever you glance at this new purchase, you’ll be motivated to take a gulp!

We’re naturally drawn to appreciate colors, patterns and designs, so adding this visual incentive can psychologically enhance your water drinking experience.

However you choose to fuel up, remember that 60% of the human body is comprised of water, so ensuring adequate hydration is vital. Take it from this H2O convert—the wellness benefits are hard to ignore!


image courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons

Akshata Mehta has a passion for traveling and exploring the world. She loves to write, and is especially interested in sustainability for everyday life. Being a foodie, she also enjoys cooking up healthy concoctions in her kitchen, recording these recipes and more on her blog With Love From Akshata.